If you own a blog, or you are into online marketing for a while now, you might already know how tricky SEO(Search Engine Optimisation) is. Things can change overnight without a single warning, no thanks to the algorithm of the various search engines. The worst part is that some of these changes have to take you back to the drawing board; you have to edit, delete, re-write, and lots more. Google updates always have an impact on various sites (some positive and others negative), and we never know what the next one may bring. Playing by the rules and following some actionable SEO tips is key.
Having evergreen content on your blog is quite tasking because it demands your effort to always maintain the top spot on Search Engine Ranking Pages (SERP). Such demands involve applying some evergreen tactics or actionable SEO tips and also dancing to the tune of the latest algorithm updates. Below are 10 actionable SEO tips that have been tested and trusted for a while, which have huge benefits to your online business.
10 Actionable SEO Tips You Should Start Implementing From Now On
These actionable SEO tips are not really technical or tedious, you do not have to be a programmer to carry them out. All that is required from you is a good understanding of marketing, writing and to know what your audience or buyer needs. Now, take a look at them below:

1. Avoid harsh tags (#) in your URLs
If you have been making use of this hash tag symbol “#” in your URL, you should go ahead and delete it. It is simple and straightforward, Googlebot does not support or index URLs that contain harsh tags.
2. Avoid broken links or make sure there are non existing
I am sure by now you might already know of the importance of inbound and outbound linking, and you are already practicing such. If you already have lots of internal links on your pages or the ones linking to high DA, third-party sites, then I must congratulate you for being a true white hat SEO expert and content marketer.
But there is also a point you should know while carrying out this practice.
Some of the contents you linked to might have been deleted or moved. Maybe not on your own site, but you never can tell of that of the third-party sites you have linked out to.
If your outbound link points to a 404 error page, then you might be penalized for that. I know it might be hectic running through your old articles, but it has to be done. There are actually WordPress plugins that can help you out in such tasks. Perform a regular audit of your outbound and also inbound links and fix those that do not exist anymore. This is one of the actionable SEO tips that pay.
3. Disavow bad links
Having so many links pointing to your site (backlinks) is quite amazing and beneficial as well. They have a great impact on your site’s SEO. But when it comes to bad or spammy links, they are quite detrimental.
If any spammy websites link to yours, then be rest assured that those links are bad links. Disavowing such links is the best option. But if you are not an expert in detecting and disavowing spammy links, I will suggest you consult the services of those that do.
Also read: Link Building Facts Every Blogger Should Know
4. Make sure your site’s speed is optimum
You can use the Google Page Speed Test to ascertain your site’s speed and see possible corrections you can make for improvements. Having a fast-loading page sure have a great impact on SEO, you can follow my earlier guide on how to speed website load time of your WordPress site.
5. Remove pop-ups for mobile browsers
Google always talk about mobile friendly experience, because a higher percentage of the internet traffic is now coming from a mobile device. Apart from attracting a penalty from Google, there is nothing as annoying as experiencing several pop-ups on a tiny mobile screen. Instead of pop-ups, you can use hyperlinks or click-through buttons to achieve your aim.
6. Always include alt tags in your images
So many bloggers or writers spend too much of their time on keyword research and writing and sometimes forget about some basic thing like alt tags. You should ensure that all the images you upload on your blog or website have them, together with relevant keywords and descriptions. This is known and image optimization.
7. Conduct an intensive keyword research
Keyword research should be about finding what makes to stop and visit your page, because it meets his immediate need. If you are selling a product on your page, ten it should be about what makes an audience to stop and shop.
For example, the use of LSI Keywords is one great way to rank higher on SERP. You should try to write about them or include them in your posts, but do so without compromising the quality or readability of your content.
Must read: LSI keywords And Their Importance In SEO
8. Avoid Unicorn keywords
If you have a phone blog and you are aiming at ranking for “Samsung Phones”, all I can say is good luck.
If your site is new and you are still having a low domain authority, it is better you try ranking for easier keywords. Yes, it actually means low search volumes but also more targeted visitors. Why not try something like “Affordable Samsung Smartphones below $200” or “Samsung phones with batteries above 2200mAh”. These are accessible and easier keywords you actually have a chance of ranking for.
9. Invest in great content
“Content is king”, which is a popular statement, so you need to have great concern for it. Spending your money on cheap and poorly written content will definitely weigh your blog down. Gone are the days of 300-word articles stuffed with keywords. These days, people and even search engines, are looking for content that provides value to their needs.
10. Be consistent
Last but not least of my actionable SEO tips for today is, be consistent. No magic will push your website higher on SERP than posting new and valuable content regularly.
Now, talking about how fast your post can rank on a particular keyword or when you should start seeing results..my answer is, it will take months. Except the keyword is new or gave zero competition, there is no rocket science that can take you to the front page of Google in 24 hours.
If any SEO expert tells you he can take you to Google’s front page for a competitive keyword in 24 hours, then you should run for your dear life. It is absolutely impossible.
Looking at all the 10 actionable SEO tips I have given, and if I want to sum them up, it will simply be to write for users and not search engines. Have an idea of what people needs and try to offer solutions to it by using your content. By abiding to this rule, you will surely reap lots of benefits with tome.
Thanks Chibuzor, it’s your man Applygist
Heheheh…okay guy.