If you are interested in knowing the exchange rate of Pound to Naira in the black market and CBN official rate then you can always check this page for daily updates. We promise to bring you the exact Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the parallel or black market exchange rate of the British Pound to Nigerian Naira. To be on the safe side, you can simply bookmark this page on your browser or subscribe to this blog for our latest feeds.
The Great Britain Pound Sterling (GBP)
The Great Britain Pound Sterling (GBP) is the currency presently used by the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Apart from these two territories, other countries that make use of the Pound Sterling are Falkland Island, Gibraltar, British Antarctic Territory, Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, British Indian Ocean Territory, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands, etc. A hundred Penny makes up a Pound and the symbol for the Pound is £. The inflation rate of the British Pound Sterling is put at 0.10% and it is known as the oldest currency in the world.
The Nigeria Naira (NGN)
The Naira is the currency used by the biggest black nation in Africa, which is the Federal Republic Of Nigeria. The Nigerian Naira has maintained a stand of being one of the strongest currencies in Africa as of the 20th century, but getting to the 21st century, especially in recent times, things have really changed negatively. The foreign exchange rate of Nigeria’s Naira has been on the decline at an alarming rate. A hundred Kobo makes up a Naira and the symbols for the Kobo and Naira respectively are; Kobo and ₦. The code for the Naira is simply written as NGN.
Also read: Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today (Black Market and CBN)
Exchange Rate Of British Pound To Naira In Black Market Today, September 2024
The exchange rate of Pound to Naira in the black market today is as follows:
Buying rate: 1 GBP at 2100 NGN
Selling rate: 1 GBP at 2145 NGN
CBN Exchange Rate of Pound Naira Today, September 2024
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) official exchange rate of the British Pound to Naira today is:
1 GBP = 2105 NGN
These are the current Nigerian Naira exchange rate with the Great Britain Pounds Sterling as of today. You can always check on this site to get daily updates on the Pound to Naira exchange rate both in the black market and the official CBN rate. You can easily subscribe to this blog to get the information delivered straight to your email.
This is helpful article and informative.
Yes it is for sure
This was a great and informative post. Thank you for sharing !
You are welcome
Nice piece of information
Glad you love it
Wow! Just bookmarked this blog. Will checking back every now and then for more valuable information.
Thanks for sharing.
No problem
HELLO, I am from Poland, I would like to receive information from you, if I sell crypto for NGN and my cash goes to the bank, will the bank exchange for me, for example, PLN for Polish currency, or gbp, euro, usd?
I don’t have an idea about this
Thanks for the actual rates. maybe CBN has bullied and threatened most online source to only publish CBN rates which Nigerians do not get!.
Its an informative article
I am glad you found it informative
Hy! Chibuzor Aguwa your article proved to be authentic and some how verified
I’m just doing a research and now it is very helpful