Blogging has suddenly turned into a lucrative business in Nigeria today. The success of many renowned, professional bloggers in the country has attracted the interest of many upcoming bloggers and aspirants in the blogging industry. In this post, I will be showing you how to start a blog in Nigeria, all the basics you need to know before opening a blog and also the ways you can monetize it and start making money from it.
How to Start a Blog in Nigeria
There are various reasons why people start up a blog, but I will like to inform you that the major and most important reason is to make money from it. Remember, you are putting in your time, efforts and money, therefore having a good ROI (Returns Over Investment) will definitely make you smile by the end of the day.
In Nigeria today, many newbies or novice bloggers started on the wrong track, do the wrong things,, which at the end made them not acquire any form of profit from the blog they started. I would not want you to fall victim of such and that is why I decided to write this piece. The write-up may look lengthy, but trust me, it is worth reading from the beginning to the end. If I may ask, what have you gained reading those long novels that did not add a dime into your bank account? So, the information I drafted in this post is worth paying for, but I decided to give you all for free. All that is important now is how to create a blog and make money out of it.
Also read: Best Online Business You Can Start From Home and Make Money
Okay, let us move back to the business of how to start a blog in Nigeria and monetize it for profit. Before we proceed, let me first of all give you an insight of what blogging is all about.

What is Blogging?
The same way it is advisable to have an idea of a business you plan to venture into, it is applicable to the blogging business as well.
Blogging can be defined simply as act of writing or creating content on a blog.
A blog, on the other hand, is a web page that contains dated posts contributed by one or multiple users, which often pertains to a particular topic.
The “particular topic” mentioned above is what we call niche, and this is very vital in determining how successful you will be in your blogging quest.
How to Start Blogging Business in Nigeria
To make the topic simpler and easier for you to understand, I have divided this post into sections or sub-topics. Each sub-topic is very important for you to note, as they contain information I want you to follow so as to avoid the same I made when I was a beginner back in 2015. Remember, it is a business and you sure want to make profit out of it, and at the same time don’t want to lose your hard-earned capital and time.
Choosing a Niche
A niche, just as I have explained earlier is a particular topic of interest you want to write on. Once you make a mistake from this aspect, I am sorry to tell you that you will definitely give up the wayside.
The first advice I will give to you is to by all means avoid niches that are highly competitive. Simply, go for a nice that has less competition, and by doing this your blog can easily rank of Google or other SERP (Search Engine Ranking Pages). You can easily search for a less competitive niche by using Google Keyword Planner or various marketing tools you can find out there.
My second advice is to choose a niche that is marketable. Yes, you wouldn’t want to start writing about a topic which by the end of the day it will not fetch you any money. You can also use various online tools to determine the profitability of a niche going by the related keywords people search for.
Let us move to the next step on how to start a blog in Nigeria. There are various niches to choose from, but first of all let it be a niche you can easily produce contents or blog posts on. Remember, you want to be original, so avoid every means of copying people’s content and pasting them on your own blog.
If you are still confused about what particular niche you will like to blog about, you can drop your opinion on the comment section and I will see if I can render further assistance. But if you prefer a secret conversation, you can easily reach out to me using the contact section of this page. My contact details are boldly visible there.
Now, you have chosen your niche, let us move to the next step on how to start a blog business and get paid in Nigeria.
Choose a Domain Name
After you might have made your decision about the profitable niche you want to start blogging about, the next thing is to choose a domain name for your business. I have written a post on 5 things to note before choosing a domain name for your business. You can check out the post to get all the important information you need to know, I would not want to go back on that. But if you want to buy cheap domain names from a reliable domain registrar, you can check offers BY CLICKING HERE.
A domain name is more or less the address you will want people to locate or access your blog with from the internet.
Let us move to the next step on how to start a blog in Nigeria.
Choose a Blogging Platform
There are various blogging platforms you will find in the world today. They include; Blogger, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, Medium, Tumblr, etc. The list is endless. Out of all the available blogging platforms, I have only made use of Blogger, WordPress, Medium, and Tumblr. They all have their pros and cons, which I will not want to delve into in this post, but out of them all I will recommend WordPress for you.
Why I and most people prefer WordPress is just because it can easily bring out the best in you and your blogging business. This very blog you are reading from is a WordPress blog. Let us move to the next step.
Choosing a Web Hosting Company
You have chosen a domain name and a blogging platform (WordPress like I recommend), the next thing is to choose a web hosting company where you will like to host your blog.
A web hosting company stores the files that make up your blog on their servers, which are connected to the internet in such a way that they are accessible to your readers via your domain name or URL (Universal Resource Locator).
For example, this very post you are reading and every other post and image I have on my blog are stored on the web hosting I am using. This whole thingy might sound techy to you at first, but if you cannot find someone nearby who can assist you, then you can contact me as well. My aim is for you to build a successful blog right here in Nigeria.
You can check out these cheap web hosting plans BY CLICKING HERE.
Installing WordPress
After you might have bought your domain name and web host, the next thing is to set up and Install WordPress. This stage might be difficult for you since you are a newbie, but you can reach out to me by calling my number or sending me an email. You will find my contact details in the contact section. Remember, I am still in Nigeria just like you; I never get money to travel out yet…hahaha, so call me on my local line.
Creating Content for Your Blog
After setting up your blog on WordPress (which includes choosing a perfect theme and installing the right plugins) the next and important stage is to start adding articles or content to your blog.
Please, before we proceed, I will like you to have this at the back of your mind and never derail from it, “Be unique and do not copy blog posts from another site even if it is related to yours”.
Since you have chosen your niche (which I believe is a topic you can easily write on), there are thousands of keywords of blog ideas you will find from niche when you use a proper marketing tool to figure it out. You can check out how to choose a perfect keyword for a particular blog post or basically go through the Blogging Tips and SEO category of this blog, you will find lots of useful information that will boost your blogging career right there.
The bottom line is for you to start creating content that solves the need of your audience or that adds value to them in one way or the other.
Monetizing Your Blog
The next and most important step is how to monetize your blog in Nigeria. After you might have created lots of valuable content which are attracting lots of traffic on a daily basis (preferably from search engines), monetizing your blog won’t be a difficult task.
There are various ways you can monetize your blog in Nigeria and it includes:
- Paid Advertisement
- Sponsored Posts
- Affiliate Marketing
- Selling of eBooks
- Online Tutorial, etc
The list is endless but I am basically using just three for now, which are; sponsored post, paid advertisement, and affiliate marketing. The best way most Nigerian bloggers monetize their blogs is through Google AdSense. Though it is quite difficult to get Google AdSense approval for a blog, I have written the best White hat technique to get Google AdSense approval. You can read through my guide just in case you are finding it difficult.
You can see how easy it is to start a blog and get it ready for monetization in no distant time.
How Much Does it Cost to Own a Blog in Nigeria?
How much does it cost to own a blog in Nigeria? Well, first of all, I will like t say the most important cost is the dedicated time you use to study and learn more about blogging. Learn new things related to blogging on a daily basis, that is the most important newbie bloggers in Nigeria are neglecting.
Okay, if you want me to give you a figure in Naira, I will say the cost of starting a blog in Nigeria, if it is limited to just buying a domain name and web hosting, should not be more than N20,000 for the first year.
As time goes on in your blogging career, you will notice there are many paid tools you still have to spend money on.
So, that wraps it up on how to start a blog in Nigeria and monetize it for profit. Like I stated severally within this post, you can contact me specifically through email or phone call if you are confused in any part or if you want me to set it up for you right from scratch, I will be willing to…it is my job.
I make five figure on blogging, and i want to also recommend the buying and selling of virta stock for you where i make my extra incomes profits of $500 daily as alternative source of incomes to my blogging business
Nice one