As a blogger, I know how we all crave blog traffic, especially when you are a newbie and you are not seeing the amount you really wanted anytime you check at your traffic stats. Most bloggers actually got frustrated with the figures they are getting, and eventually, they call it to quit. Well, you are lucky to come across this post because I will be showing you some blogging tips to increase traffic from 80 best sources.
Also read: Tips for a successful blog in 2017 and beyond.
We have all been there before. Earlier when most of us started blogging, we thought it as easy as writing a few posts in a week, hit the “publish” button, and watch as traffic will start pumping in. We all have such thoughts, and that may be the reason why some of us venture into the field of blogging because we can easily see the achievements of old and experienced bloggers.

But when it gets dawns on us, we realize that blogging is quite complicated. It does not primarily mean that once you pile up lots of blog post on you wall, then it will start attracting people’s attention which ,makes them to start flocking in. IF that is the mindset you are having at the moment, then you need to have a rethink because it does not work as easy as that.
As a blogger (but new and old) who is really interested in the blogging business and you want to experience growth in your blog in terms of increased audience, what you really need is proper planning. Try and re-strategize by itemizing and giving the breakdown of everything you need to dazzle your readers by transforming your blog. Before showing you the 80 best sources for enormous traffic, please I will indulge you to look at the following basics, then tell yourself if you are really good to go.
Also read: Tips And Advice On How To Start A Blog
Basics of Blogging
1. Ask yourself if you are in the right niche
Yes! you love blogging and you dream to have a blog, but the question is “what niche are you trying to venture into?” Or maybe you had already started a blog and find yourself in a particular niche, another question is “do you really love the niche you find yourself in?” Have a clear idea and plan of the niche you want and stick to it. The main issue is that it should be a niche you love and have more knowledge about.
2. Know your target audience and deliver to them what they want
Blogging is all about solving people’s problems. Know the exact problems of your readers or target audience and effectively deliver solutions to such problems.
3. Maintain a simple design for your blog
yes! nothing gives an audience or a reader much more joy than a clutter-free blog. Remove unnecessary widgets and pop-ups that will serve as distractions to your readers. They will not only increase your blog loading time (making it slow to load) but as well they can increase the bounce rate of your blog.
4. Interlink your blog post
By interlinking your blog post, it will increase user engagement and also decrease your bounce rate. If you have not been doing this before, then I suggest you start it now.
5. Display your popular posts
It is also wise to display a list of your popular post (i.e. post that attracts more users within a set period of time; daily, weekly or monthly) because it can also look catchy to the eyes of your visitors and they may decide to take look at them.
6. Have an email subscription form
If a first-time reader loves your blog he/she will like to visit again, but there are possibilities that such a person might forget your blog URL. To make things easier, provide an email opt-in form so that an audience can easily subscribe to your blog, and an automatic update will be sent to his/her email once you published a new post on your blog.
7. Have an About page
This is very necessary because an audience will like to know the motive of the blog he is subscribing to and also the author behind the blog. Make your about page as precise and clear enough, it doesn’t necessarily have to be formal. Tell them the aim of your blog and how you will try to solve their problems because every audience is actually looking for a solution to one or more problems.
8. Create a contact form or a contact page
Some users might decide to get in touch with you personally, this where the contact page becomes active. On the contact page, clearly state your location address, email, and maybe phone numbers. Some blogs use a contact form to satisfy this means, you should choose any that works for you because they all serve the same purpose.
9. Display your social media profile
Almost everybody in this world is on one social media platform on the other, so you can easily get them engaged by displaying the social media profiles of your blog too. You can display your Facebook page, Pinterest, Instagram, Google Plus, Twitter, etc, all in form of an icon on your blog. You can also generate more Facebook likes, Twitter, and Google Plus followers through this mean.
10. Post frequently
Having met all the requirements above the next thing you should maintain is posting frequently. Your audience wants to see a new thing whenever they visit your blog, so try as much as possible to maintain a posting frequency. By doing this, you will keep them engaged as they will keep coming for more.
There are so many other blogging basics you need to know, but i just brought out this little few.
Now you have known the basics, the next thing is to get that traffic coming in. You should bear in mind that it is a DIY thing, most of the sites are forums so try as much as possible to be active. Below are the 80 best traffic sources that will definitely boost your blog traffic when utilized properly. If you need an Excel document containing links to the various websites I can freely send it to your email. It is just one of the freebies you can easily get on Blogginfotech. All you have to do is to subscribe to this blog using the email opt-in form in this blog, then send a personal email to me at with the title “FREE TRAFFIC BOOST”. Please note that both emails should be the same for easy recognition.
List Of 80 Best Sources For Blog Traffic Boost
Product Hunt | A curated directory of the best new websites, mobile apps and technology products |
ThunderClap | A “crowdspeaking” platform that helps individuals and companies to spread a message |
Nouncy | Create a buzz on social media |
SaaS Genius | A place to find the right software for your business |
Betalist | An online directory that features beta stage startups daily |
BetaPage | Another beta startups directory |
SignUp First | Get early adopters in exchange of exclusive rewards |
HARO | An online service for journalists to connect with public | | Find the most relevant journalist |
Muck Rack | An online service that helps you get press for you story |
Pitch Pigeon | Easily create and send an effective launch email to over 200 tech blogs in just one click |
Reddit – Coupons | Sub-reddit to offer coupons |
Reddit – Startups | Submit your startup in monthly “Show your startup” thread |
Reddit – Sideprojects | Sub-reddit exclusively for showcasing side projects |
Reddit – Smallbusiness | Sub-reddit exclusively for small business owners |
Reddit – I Made This | Sub-reddit to showoff what you made |
Reddit – Shameless Plugs | Sub-reddit to promote anything you want |
Reddit – Content Maketing | Sub-reddit for content marketers |
Reddit – Marketing | Sub-reddit for marketing professionals |
Break Point | Share your side projects and get feedback with Breakpoint. |
Side Projects | Sell, buy and doscover side projects |
CSSMania | The most visited CSS showcase |
Designer News | Share your product design and collect feedback |
Stack Share | Discover and discuss the best software tools and services |
Alltop | Popular blog directory that displays latest five posts |
Google News | The biggest news agregator in the world | | The biggest news agregator site in UK |
Kindle Publishing for Blogs | Syndicate your blog to thousands of Kindle users |
Blog Catalog | Popular blog directory that displays popular blogs and blog post around the web |
AppSumo | A daily deals website for digitally distributed goods and online services |
Mighty Deals | Daily deals for creative designers and web developers |
Launch Lister | Daily & weekly email with the top product launches from the startup sites |
Craiglist | Popular classified site to promote local deals and offers |
Mailer Lite | Send a newsletter to your subscribers |
Share post on Facebook | |
Share post on Twitter | |
Share your visuals for almost anything here | |
Business orientated social networking site | | | Community of inbound marketers with 160 000+ members |
Growth Hackers | Growth hacking community with 70 000+ members |
Hacker News | Community of ech and business professionals |
Firespotting | Community similar to Hacker News but orientated into more general topics |
Voat | A communit platform where you can have your say without censorship |
Manage WP | A good place to post WordPress relate articles |
Design Float | Community to place design related articles |
Stumble Upon | One of the biggest content discovery platform in the world |
Digg | Curated news site |
Delicious | Popular bookmarking site |
SaaS Community | Submit content related to SaaS growth, marketing, customer success, sales and business |
Boot Strappers | An online resource for boostrapping an online business |
Closing Call | A community of sales professionals |
Slashdot | Source for technology related news |
Biz Sugar | Community of small business owners and entrepneurs |
| Targeted traffic splash for your website |
Blog Engage | Blogging community and social network |
Blokube | Submit your articles and it be reviewed by the community |
Social magazine | |
Triberr | Community of influencers and bloggers |
Heard | Social exchange that matches user content to the perfect audience |
Kingged | Internet marketing social networking site | | A content curation tool | | Collect relevant content easily |
Quibb | Professional network to share industry news and analysis |
Snapzu | A Community of web communities |
Quora | Extremely popular crowd-sourced Q&A site |
CoPromote | Free co-marketing platform that helps people connect with new audiences |
Flaintt | Get more people sharing your stuff |
Viral Content Buzz | Social sharing platform that works off earned credits |
JustReweet | Twitter related site that rewards users for following each other |
Linkedin Publishing | Expand your reach to business professionals |
Medium | Community of serious readers who like to read briliant stuff |
Medium – The Mission | Submit your stories about accelerated learning, tech, antifragility, and definite optimism |
Medium – The Startup | Submit Your stories about business, marketing, design, and technology. |
Buzzfeed | Republish your content for 200+ millions monthly visitors |
Bored Panda | A leading art, design and photography community for creative people |
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