Most bloggers, especially the newbie ones, are yet to realize that they can generate massive traffic to their blogs by merely sharing their blog posts to various blog-sharing sites. In other words, they are yet to take advantage of these blog-sharing sites in promoting their blogs. Except you had already built your brand, and have become popular, expecting a large number of blog readers immediately you hit the “publish” button will be quite difficult. In this post, I will be revealing to you some top blog-sharing sites you can utilize to promote your blog and generate massive traffic.
Also read: Blogging Tips to Increase Blog Traffic From 80 Best Sources
For most bloggers, the first two social network sites that normally share their blog post after hitting the publish button are Facebook and Twitter. Apart from these two, they definitely do not have any other blog sharing list in mind. If you are part of this bandwagon, then it is high time you expand your potentials by harnessing these other top blog sharing sites. There are thousands of blog readers you can attract by sharing on other platforms. Now let us look at my top 14 blog sharing sites list for massive traffic.

Also read: Tips for a successful bog in 2017 and beyond.
14 Blog Sharing Sites To Get Blog Traffic And Audience
1. Slide Share
Using this method, you can turn your blog post into a slide show presentation by using MS PowerPoint or other slide generating software and share the resulting file on SlideShare. Once your content is of high quality, it gives you an edge, because there is less competition in SlideShare than other blog sharing sites.
2. does not only help organizations in creating infographics and some other types of visual content. they also provide a community for sharing these files. You can generate lots of traffic by turning your blog content into infographics and sharing them on this site. This can increase the exposure of your new or old blog.
3. LinkedIn Groups
Before sharing your content in Linked\in groups, you have to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is professional enough. Let it have a clear picture of who you are and what you do. Sharing your content in LinkedIn Groups offers you targeted exposure beyond your usual list of connections. Just be sure the group welcomes shared content, and make sure the post is relevant to the group topic. Being perceived as a spammer on these sites will not have any positive impact on your brand.
4. Pinterest
Pinterest is another content-sharing site for massive traffic. By posting an attractive, relevant picture with a link to your post, your shareable image can help bring readers to you.
5. Instagram
Instagram is another visual sharing site just like Pinterest. You can utilize the same strategy you use to get your content noticed on Twitter on this same site. Instagram has a wider coverage amongst teenagers and young adult demography. This alone makes it a very attractive content-sharing option for brands.
6. Triberr
If you are eager and want to generate traffic as fast as possible, then look no further than Triberr. This platform provides a means whereby by joining targeted “tribes”, you can build relationships with other bloggers and earn traffic by sharing your content.
7. StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon is a social network that allows users to browse random web pages by clicking the “Stumble” button. Register and add your content to the network, and if users like it (as noted by their ratings of your post), it’ll become more likely to appear in the random search rotation. It is an easy blog-sharing site to generate massive traffic.
8. Google+ Communities
Google+ is another social networking tool that can be used to expand the reach of your blog. By posting into targeted Google+ communities, you will get your content pieces in front of interested readers in order to boost traffic. Again, you should take note, do not become too self-promotional. Post unique content to Google+ and be sure that your blog post offers legitimate value to your followers.
9. BizSugar
If you blog about small businesses in some way, consider sharing your post with BizSugar. This site is designed to help bloggers share small business news and tips, making it a great place to find new readers.
10. Your Email List
By using a lead magnet (i.e. a valuable free giveaway that is provided in exchange for your followers’ email addresses), it is easy to build a list of subscribers who are interested in your content and your brand. When you have new blog content, share it with your list via email. If you post frequently, consider sending weekly or biweekly updates to avoid spamming your subscribers with messages.
Scoop. is one of the places web users head to when they’re looking for new, interesting content, making it a great place to publish your blog posts. You can start using the program for free, but these “freemium” accounts are limited to one topic. For $11/month, you can upgrade to five topics, while business accounts with 14 topics are $67/month.
12. Niche-Based Social Bookmarking Sites
Depending on your particular focus, you can post to a variety of social bookmarking sites., for example, is great for SEO, SMO, blogging, and internet marketing. is a good place to post WordPress-related articles, while DesignFloat is perfect for web designers, and DZone is good for developers.
13. Blog Engage
Blog Engage is a site that lets you publish blog posts on a wide variety of topics for others to read. Everything from finance to anime to cosmetics is covered, so no matter what your focus is, you can find an audience of potential new readers on this blog-sharing website.
14. Reddit
Finally, if you have a specific niche, there is likely a Reddit sub-forum for it. Please take note, Redditors (the site’s users) can be very intense, so make sure the content you share is very targeted, very high-quality, and completely free of product promotion or marketing. The site has a HUGE amount of traffic, so if you can gain credibility, this can be a great source of readership for your blog.
Finding blog-sharing sites to share your blog posts is not difficult, because the internet is an enormous place with a tremendous number of opportunities. Just be sure that your content is relevant to the specific community you target and meets stringent quality guidelines before sharing. When you do so, you will discover that there are thousands of potential readers available out there for you.
Are there some other blog-sharing sites you are already utilizing to generate massive traffic? Feel free to contribute by adding them in the comment box below. Also, share this post with your friends, you never know the newbie blogger that might be needing it.
oh cool trafficing websites thanku for sharing them keep writting such articles
No problems
You are welcome. I am glad you love it
Nice list! Thank you for sharing.
You are welcome